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Porsche  //  911 和 912(1965-1989)  //  任何


pedals for Left-Hand Drive cars with manual transmission 911 1965-69 - PORSCHE


Diagram 702-00 Porsche 911 和 912(1965-1989) 手柄系统、踏板组 SKU: 90142301000, accelerator pedalSKU: N01021513, hexagon-head bolt m 6 x 15SKU: 90015100603, washer b 6,4SKU: 91442322701, push rodSKU: 90007609101, hexagon nut m 5SKU: 90007609101, hexagon nut m 5SKU: 90007609101, hexagon nut m 5SKU: 90007609101, hexagon nut m 5SKU: 90007609101, hexagon nut m 5SKU: 90007609101, hexagon nut m 5SKU: N0155213, ball socket a 8SKU: N0155213, ball socket a 8SKU: N0155213, ball socket a 8SKU: N0155213, ball socket a 8SKU: PCG42302400, throttle linkageSKU: 91142308102, connecting pieceSKU: 91142359301, sealing sleeveSKU: 90142322700, bushSKU: 90142322700, bushSKU: 90142302702, reverse lever with bush,SKU: 90142302705, reverse leverSKU: 91442321100, bushSKU: 91442321100, bushSKU: 90002500804, washer 10,5SKU: N0125301, cotter pin 3 x 15SKU: 90142302602, throttle linkage,SKU: 90142302603, throttle linkageSKU: 91142306502, bearing bracketSKU: 91142306502, bearing bracketSKU: 90142319300, rubber stopSKU: 90142325300, bearing sleeveSKU: 90142325002, reverse lever frontSKU: 90003110501, washer 8,4SKU: 90002100800, cotter pin 2 x 15SKU: 90142303500, bearing tubeSKU: 90142339100, rubber stop,SKU: 90142339100, rubber stop 30 mmSKU: 90142339100, rubber stop,SKU: 90142339100, rubber stop 30 mmSKU: 90002701503, lock ring b 8SKU: 90002701503, lock ring b 8SKU: N0111513, hexagon nut m 8SKU: 91142334102, bushSKU: 91142334102, bushSKU: 90142332001, clutch pedal shaftSKU: 90142334300, bush,SKU: 91142321903, spacer sleeveSKU: 90142331200, clutch pedal lower partSKU: 90030900200, roll pin s 6 x 28SKU: 90142303300, clutch pedal upper partSKU: 90018300202, hexagon nut m 14 x 1,5SKU: 91442321000, rubber padSKU: 91442321000, rubber padSKU: 90142305302, brake pedalSKU: 91142354200, bushSKU: 91142354200, bushSKU: 90142353100, return springSKU: 90142350702, intermediate pieceSKU: 90142305705, piston rod,SKU: 90142305704, piston rodSKU: 90015800302, hexagon nut m 10SKU: 90142315700, stop washerSKU: N0115644, washer 13SKU: 90002101500, cotter pin 3 x 20SKU: 90142340104, clutch cableSKU: 90142332701, boltSKU: 69542340700, adjusting nutSKU: 90007609201, hexagon nut m 7SKU: 9000760100B, hexagon nut m 6SKU: 9000760100B, hexagon nut m 6SKU: 90016600201, clevis g 6 x 24SKU: 99916600102, boltSKU: 90142331700, steering knuckle spring f 030 5101 >> f 035 4001 >>f 045 8101 >>SKU: 90142342102, breather hose,SKU: 90142342102, hoseSKU: 69542392200, sealing sleeveSKU: 91142434101, suspension strapSKU: 90007501403, hexagon-head bolt m 6 x 18,SKU: 90007505703, hexagon-head bolt m 6 x 16SKU: 90002800801, spring washer b 6SKU: 90142336000, stop for clutch pedalSKU: 90142336800, desk padSKU: 90011902502, pan-head screw m 5 x 15SKU: N0121302, shake-proof washer a 5,3SKU: 90007511502, part 1 of 2 - hexagon-head bolt,SKU: 90007800300, part 2 of 2 - hexagon nutSKU: 90002500703, washer 8,4SKU: 90007606402, hexagon nut m 8SKU: 91161341101, brake light switchSKU: 90014601102, oval-head screw am 4 x 10SKU: 90011401401, shake-proof washer a 4,3SKU: 90142431900, screw nippleSKU: N0131141, pinSKU: 90155106520, stop for accelerator pedal702-00
190142301000accelerator pedal
2N01021513hexagon-head bolt M 6 X 15
390015100603washer B 6,4
491442322701push rod
590007609101hexagon nut M 5
6N0155213ball socket A 8
7PCG42302400throttle linkage
890142322301extension rod
990007609101hexagon nut M 5
1091142308102connecting piece-68
1091142308102connecting piece69912
911 T
911 E/S
11N0155213ball socket A 8
1291142359301sealing sleeve
1490142302702reverse lever with bush-68
1490142302705reverse lever69
1690002500804washer 10,5
17N0125301cotter pin 3 X 15
1890142302602throttle linkage-68
1890142302603throttle linkage69
1990007609101hexagon nut M 5
20N0155213ball socket A 8
2191142306502bearing bracket-67
2291142306502bearing bracket68-
2390142319300rubber stop
2490142325300bearing sleeve
2590142325002reverse lever front
2690003110501washer 8,4
2790002100800cotter pin 2 X 15
2890142303500bearing tube
2990142339100rubber stop
3090002701503lock ring B 8
31N0111513hexagon nut M 8
3390142332001clutch pedal shaft
-91142321903spacer sleeve69911
3590142331200clutch pedal lower part
3690030900200roll pin S 6 X 28
3790142303300clutch pedal upper part
3890018300202hexagon nut M 14 X 1,5
3991442321000rubber pad
4090142305302brake pedal
4290142353100return spring
4390142350702intermediate piece
4490142305705piston rod-67
4490142305704piston rod68-
4590015800302hexagon nut M 10
4690142315700stop washer68-
47N0115644washer 13
4890002101500cotter pin 3 X 20
4990142340104clutch cable
5169542340700adjusting nut
5290007609201hexagon nut M 7
539000760100Bhexagon nut M 6
5490016600201clevis G 6 X 24
5690142331700steering knuckle spring
F 030 5101 >>
F 035 4001 >>
F 045 8101 >>

5790142342102breather hose-68
5869542392200sealing sleeve
5991142434101suspension strap
6090007501403hexagon-head bolt M 6 X 18-68
6090007505703hexagon-head bolt M 6 X 1669
6190002800801spring washer B 6
629000760100Bhexagon nut M 6
6390142336000stop for clutch pedal
6490142339100rubber stop 30 MM
6590142336800desk pad
6690011902502pan-head screw M 5 X 15
67N0121302shake-proof washer A 5,3
6890007511502PART 1 of 2 - hexagon-head bolt
6890007800300PART 2 of 2 - hexagon nut
6990002500703washer 8,4
7090002701503lock ring B 8
7190007606402hexagon nut M 8
7291161341101brake light switch
7390014601102oval-head screw AM 4 X 10
7490011401401shake-proof washer A 4,3
7590142431900screw nipple
7790155106520stop for accelerator pedal
