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Porsche  //  911 和 912(1965-1989)  //  任何


convertible top, seal, single parts 911 1984-86 - PORSCHE


Diagram 811-15 Porsche 911 和 912(1965-1989)  车身SKU: 911561051003AV, convertible top covering roof upper - black,SKU: 911561051006HA, convertible top covering roof upper - dark blue,SKU: 911561051009RA, convertible top covering roof upper - dark brown,SKU: 911561051004JK, convertible top covering roof upper - greyish green,SKU: 911561051007MK, convertible top covering roof upper - burgundy,SKU: 911561051012XW, convertible top covering roof upper - black,SKU: 911561051017JW, convertible top covering roof upper - dark blue,SKU: 911561051019RA, convertible top covering roof upper - dark brown,SKU: 911561051014JK, convertible top covering roof upper - greyish green,SKU: 911561051019LW, convertible top covering roof upper - burgundySKU: 91156135900, rear window,SKU: 91156135965, rear windowSKU: 911561053003AV, rear window with cover - black,SKU: 911561053007JW, rear window with cover - dark blue,SKU: 911561053009RA, rear window with cover - dark brown,SKU: 911561053004JK, rear window with cover - greyish green,SKU: 911561053007MK, rear window with cover - burgundy,SKU: 911561053652XW, rear window with cover - black,SKU: 911561053657JW, rear window with cover - dark blue,SKU: 911561053659RA, rear window with cover - dark brown,SKU: 911561053654JK, rear window with cover - greyish green,SKU: 911561053659LW, rear window with cover - burgundySKU: 911561405013AV, zip,SKU: 911561405023AV, zipSKU: 911561523011AJ, traction nooseSKU: 911561523021AJ, traction nooseSKU: 90014402807, tapping screw b 3,5 x 13SKU: 90014402807, tapping screw b 3,5 x 13SKU: 91156148500, snap fastener lower partSKU: 000043022003AV, zipSKU: 000043022003AV, zipSKU: 000043026003AV, zipSKU: 91156124401, roof frame sealSKU: 91156115365, restraining strapSKU: 91156120500, seal,SKU: 911561189668VB, roof frame seal outerSKU: 91156118700, roof frame seal innerSKU: 91156120600, seal,SKU: 911561190668VB, roof frame seal outerSKU: 91156118800, roof frame seal innerSKU: 91156122101, gasket,SKU: 993561321008VB, gasketSKU: 91156122201, gasket,SKU: 993561322008VB, gasketSKU: 91156191300, piping,SKU: 91156102502, part 1 of 2 - rail,SKU: 91156191300, part 2 of 2 - piping,SKU: 9115610250470B, railSKU: 91156191400, piping,SKU: 91156102602, part 1 of 2 - rail,SKU: 91156191400, part 2 of 2 - piping,SKU: 9115610260470B, railSKU: PAF013958, tapping screw b 3,5 x 13SKU: 90007609101, hexagon nut m 5SKU: N01166511, washer b 5,3SKU: 91156123900, tension rope,SKU: 91156124000, tension ropeSKU: 91156140303, tension springSKU: 91156140700, supportSKU: 90007510702, hexagon-head bolt m 6 x 12SKU: N01152427, washer 6,4SKU: 90007510003, hexagon-head bolt m 4 x 12SKU: 90008402001, lock nut m 4 m 4SKU: 90002500203, washer 4,3SKU: 90002500203, washer 4,3SKU: 90014403107, counters. head tapp. screw b 3,5 x 16SKU: 9995911021H, washer $ = 3,5SKU: 99959183517, snap fastener lower partSKU: 99959159802, tenax lower part b 4,2 x 16,SKU: 99959159702, tenax lower part b 4,2 x 10SKU: 91156145500, corner piece,SKU: 9115614550170B, corner piece,SKU: 9115614560170B, corner pieceSKU: N0332032, countersunk-head screw m 4 x 18SKU: 91156105900, lining,SKU: 91156105962700, lining,SKU: 91156105966700, liningSKU: 9115615910070B, rosette,SKU: 9115615980070B, rosette,SKU: 9115615986670B, rosetteSKU: 9115615910070B, rosette,SKU: 9115615980070B, rosette,SKU: 9115615986670B, rosetteSKU: 90014509607, tapping screw 4,2 x 16SKU: 90014509607, tapping screw 4,2 x 16SKU: 90014509607, tapping screw 4,2 x 16SKU: 99959111607, cone washer 4,5 90 deg,SKU: 99959111607, cone washerSKU: 99959111607, cone washer 4,5 90 deg,SKU: 99959111607, cone washerSKU: 99959111607, cone washer 4,5 90 deg,SKU: 99959111607, cone washerSKU: 99959111607, cone washer 4,5 90 deg,SKU: 99959111607, cone washerSKU: 91156105000, rooflinerSKU: 91156509360, padded cover,SKU: 91156509362700, padded cover,SKU: 91156509366700, padded coverSKU: 91156527960, rosette,SKU: 9115652796170B, rosette,SKU: 9115652806170B, rosette,SKU: 91156178165, rosette for emergency controlSKU: 99959167601, clamping washer $=7SKU: 823867299, clipSKU: N0140933, tapping screw 4,2 x 13SKU: 91156527160, handle,SKU: 9115652716570B, handleSKU: 91156527260, handle,SKU: 9115652726570B, handleSKU: 99959158740, expansion rivetSKU: 99959158740, expansion rivetSKU: 91155559361, edge protection,SKU: 91156529960, moltoprene shim edge protection,SKU: 91156529760, cover edge protectionSKU: 9115613010070K, rain channel,SKU: 9115613020070K, rain channelSKU: 91156179300, rail,SKU: 91156179400, railSKU: PCG013957, tapping screw b 3,5 x 9,5SKU: 90015102801, washer b 4,3SKU: 91156526960, lining roof frame,SKU: 91156129502700, cover,SKU: 9115612950370B, cover811-15
1911561051003AVconvertible top covering roof upper - black-85
1911561051006HAconvertible top covering roof upper - dark blue84-
1911561051009RAconvertible top covering roof upper - dark brown-85
1911561051004JKconvertible top covering roof upper - greyish green85-
1911561051007MKconvertible top covering roof upper - burgundy85-
1911561051012XWconvertible top covering roof upper - black86-
1911561051017JWconvertible top covering roof upper - dark blue84-
1911561051019RAconvertible top covering roof upper - dark brown86-
1911561051014JKconvertible top covering roof upper - greyish green85-
1911561051019LWconvertible top covering roof upper - burgundy85-
291156135900rear window-85
291156135965rear window86-
3911561053003AVrear window with cover - black-85 /H
3911561053007JWrear window with cover - dark blue84-
3911561053009RArear window with cover - dark brown-85 /H
3911561053004JKrear window with cover - greyish green85-
3911561053007MKrear window with cover - burgundy85-
3911561053652XWrear window with cover - black86- /H
3911561053657JWrear window with cover - dark blue84-
3911561053659RArear window with cover - dark brown86- /H
3911561053654JKrear window with cover - greyish green85-
3911561053659LWrear window with cover - burgundy85-
5911561523011AJtraction noose-85
5A911561523021AJtraction noose86-
690014402807tapping screw B 3,5 X 13
791156148500snap fastener lower part
1091156124401roof frame seal
1191156115365restraining strap
1291156120500seal/L -85
12911561189668VBroof frame seal outer/L 86-
1391156118700roof frame seal inner/L 86-
1491156120600seal/R -85
14911561190668VBroof frame seal outer/R 86-
1591156118800roof frame seal inner/R 86-
1691156122101gasket/L -85
16993561321008VBgasket/L 86-
1791156122201gasket/R -85
17993561322008VBgasket/R 86-
17A91156191300piping/L -85
17A91156191400piping/R -85
1891156102502PART 1 of 2 - rail/L -85
1891156191300PART 2 of 2 - piping/L -85
189115610250470Brail/L 86-
1991156102602PART 1 of 2 - rail/R -85
1991156191400PART 2 of 2 - piping/R -85
199115610260470Brail/R 86-
20PAF013958tapping screw B 3,5 X 13
2190007609101hexagon nut M 5
22N01166511washer B 5,3
2391156123900tension rope/L
2391156124000tension rope/R
2491156140303tension spring
2690007510702hexagon-head bolt M 6 X 12
27N01152427washer 6,4
2890007510003hexagon-head bolt M 4 X 12
2990008402001lock nut M 4 M 4
3090002500203washer 4,3
3190014403107counters. head tapp. screw B 3,5 X 16
329995911021Hwasher $ = 3,5
3390014402807tapping screw B 3,5 X 13
3499959183517snap fastener lower part
3599959159802tenax lower part B 4,2 X 16
3599959159702tenax lower part B 4,2 X 10
3691156145500corner piece-85
369115614550170Bcorner piece/L 86-
369115614560170Bcorner piece/R 86-
37N0332032countersunk-head screw M 4 X 18
38A9115615910070Brosette/L 86-
38A9115615980070Brosette/R 86-
38A9115615986670Brosette/R 86-M439
3990014509607tapping screw 4,2 X 16
4099959111607cone washer 4,5 90 DEG
4099959111607cone washer
4291156509360padded cover-85
4291156509362700padded cover86-
4291156509366700padded cover86-M439
439115652796170Brosette/L 86-
439115652806170Brosette/R 86-
4391156178165rosette for emergency control86-M439
4499959167601clamping washer $=7
46N0140933tapping screw 4,2 X 13
4799959111607cone washer 4,5 90 DEG
4891156527160handle/L -85
489115652716570Bhandle/L 86-
4991156527260handle/R -85
499115652726570Bhandle/R 86-
5099959158740expansion rivet
5191155559361edge protection
-91156529960moltoprene shim edge protection
-91156529760cover edge protection
529115613010070Krain channel/L 86-
529115613020070Krain channel/R 86-
52APCG19016237blind rivet 3,2 X 8,38
5391156179300rail/L 86-
5391156179400rail/R 86-
54PCG013957tapping screw B 3,5 X 9,586-
5590015102801washer B 4,3
5691156526960lining roof frame-85


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