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Porsche  //  996 (911) (1997-2005)  //  Qualsiasi
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battery, power distributor, starter, generator, battery main switch 996 TURBO 2001-05 - PORSCHE

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Diagram 902-05 Porsche 996 (911) (1997-2005) Materiale elettricoSKU: 99761109000, ground strap,SKU: 99761109100, ground strapSKU: 99961108020, battery 8 0 ah,SKU: 99961107020, battery 70 ahSKU: 893915507, angled pipeSKU: 99661209009, cable battery power distributor,SKU: 99661209010, cable battery power distributorSKU: 90038000509, 90038000501SKU: 90008403002, hexagon nut m 8 for power distributor,SKU: 90008403002, hexagon nut m 8SKU: 90008403002, hexagon nut m 8 for power distributor,SKU: 90008403002, hexagon nut m 8SKU: 90008403002, hexagon nut m 8 for power distributor,SKU: 90008403002, hexagon nut m 8SKU: 90008403002, hexagon nut m 8 for power distributor,SKU: 90008403002, hexagon nut m 8SKU: 99661030900, protection cap terminal clamppower distributorSKU: 99661030200, flange gasket for power distributorSKU: 90037801701, hexagon-head bolt m 8 x 20SKU: 99661120901, railSKU: 99750415101, carrier plate for battery,SKU: 99650462201, gasket carrier plate for batterySKU: 99908463001, hexagon nut vm 8 sbSKU: 99661030600, repair kit replacement  fuse element comprising:  fuse element 50 apmere fuse element 80 ampere  hexagon nut m5SKU: 99661031100, seal label red,SKU: 99661031100, seal label red use also: pos. 8SKU: 99661031100, seal label red,SKU: 99661031100, seal label red use also: pos. 8SKU: 90008403102, hexagon nut m 6 for power distributor,SKU: 90008403102, hexagon nut m 6SKU: 99661030800, repair kit replacement power distributor comprising:  power distributor completeSKU: 99661204101, cable power distributor starter,SKU: 99661204300, cable power distributor starterSKU: 99661204201, cable power distributor connection point when required order also:,SKU: 99661204400, cable power distributor connection point when required order also:,SKU: 99661018700, cable holder,SKU: 99991917209, hexagon-head bolt 7,0 x 14SKU: 90007549701, combination screw m 5 x 10 z2SKU: 90007549701, combination screw m 5 x 10 z2SKU: 99950770201, speed nut m 5SKU: 99950770201, speed nut m 5SKU: 90037701001, hexagon nut m 6SKU: 90037701001, hexagon nut m 6SKU: 90037701001, hexagon nut m 6SKU: 99660703302, wiring harness with connection point starterSKU: 98661120101, connection point completeSKU: 99660711500, supportSKU: 99991904601, hexagon-head bolt 5 x 16SKU: 99660703104, wiring harness,SKU: 99660703204, wiring harness with connection point generator starterSKU: 99661120200, connection point completeSKU: 90037803501, hexagon-head bolt m 6 x 16SKU: 90037803501, hexagon-head bolt m 6 x 16SKU: 99660704201, supportSKU: 99660410700, starter,SKU: 996604107BX, starterSKU: 9A700815900, hexagon-head bolt am 10 x 35SKU: 9A700815900, hexagon-head bolt am 10 x 35SKU: 99660411800, protection cap,SKU: 99660411700, protection cap starterSKU: 99660703401, ground strap engine bodySKU: 99760301212, generator,SKU: 997603012JX, generator   with pulley free wheel lockSKU: 99660315156, pulley without free wheel lock,SKU: 99760315400, pulley with free wheel lock  use also: 996.603.153.50,SKU: 99660315350, protection cap for pulley with free wheel lockSKU: N0120161, lock ring b 16SKU: 90003401301, hexagon nut m 16 x 1,5,SKU: 99660311300, protection cap for pos. 40SKU: N10609203, hexagon nut m 8SKU: N10609203, hexagon nut m 8SKU: N10609203, hexagon nut m 8SKU: 99907606902, hexagon nut m 8902-05
N. (numero)N. componenteDescNotaModello
199761109000ground strap/LL
199761109100ground strap/RL
299961108020battery 8 0 AH
299961107020battery 70 AHGT2
3893915507angled pipe
499661209009cable battery
power distributor
499661209010cable battery
power distributor
690008403002hexagon nut M 8
for power distributor
799661030900protection cap
terminal clamp
power distributor
899661030200flange gasket for power distributor
990037801701hexagon-head bolt M 8 X 20
1199750415101carrier plate for battery
-99650462201gasket carrier plate for battery
1299908463001hexagon nut VM 8 SB
1399661030600repair kit replacement
fuse element comprising:
fuse element 50 APMERE
fuse element 80 AMPERE
hexagon nut M5
690008403002hexagon nut M 8.
1499661031100seal label red.
1499661031100seal label red
1590008403102hexagon nut M 6 for power distributor
1699661030800repair kit replacement
power distributor comprising:
power distributor complete
1590008403102hexagon nut M 6
690008403002hexagon nut M 8
1499661031100seal label red
use also: POS. 8
1799661204101cable power
1799661204300cable power
1999661204201cable power distributor connection point
when required order also:
1999661204400cable power distributor connection point
when required order also:
-99661018700cable holder
-99991917209hexagon-head bolt 7,0 X 14
2190007549701combination screw M 5 X 10 Z2
2299950770201speed nut M 5
2390037701001hexagon nut M 6
2499660703302wiring harness with connection point starterM249
2598661120101connection point completeM249
2799991904601hexagon-head bolt 5 X 16M249
2899660703104wiring harnessM480
2899660703204wiring harness with connection point generator starterM249
2999661120200connection point complete
3090037803501hexagon-head bolt M 6 X 16M480
3090037803501hexagon-head bolt M 6 X 16M249
3390037701001hexagon nut M 6
349A700815900hexagon-head bolt AM 10 X 35
3599660411800protection capM480
3599660411700protection cap starterM249
3699660703401ground strap engine body
with pulley free wheel lock
3899660315156pulley without free wheel lockM249
3899760315400pulley with free wheel lock
use also: 996.603.153.50
-99660315350protection cap for pulley
with free wheel lock
39N0120161lock ring B 16
4090003401301hexagon nut M 16 X 1,5
-99660311300protection cap for POS. 40M249
-00004320422oval-head screw M 4 X 19
mounting parts: regulator / generator
-00004320423spring washer B4
mounting parts: regulator / generator
-90037829401hexagon-head bolt M 10 X 110
mounting parts: generator
-90037809801hexagon-head bolt AM 10X 60
mounting parts: generator
41N10609203hexagon nut M 8
4299907606902hexagon nut M 8
-99661292170assembly kit
battery main switch
-99661222770battery main switchGT2
-99661318570switch inner complete with trim for switchGT2
-90037807401hexagon-head bolt M 8 X 16GT2
-90007545901combination screw M 6 X 12GT2
-99661292175assembly kit
battery main switch
GT2 M003
-99661222770battery main switchGT2 M003
-99661318575switch inner complete with trim for switchGT2 M003
-90037807401hexagon-head bolt M 8 X 16GT2 M003
-90007545901combination screw M 6 X 12GT2 M003
-99661318370rocker switch outer
complete with cover
GT2 M003
-99661326180rocker switch outerGT2 M003
battery main switch
power distributor
GT2 M003

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